Find below AIKA/AIC's call.
News from Members
How to publish an article:
All INQAAHE members and partners are invited to send their contributions for this section of the website. To do so, please send your articles and supporting files (images and documents attached) to Make sure your article does not exceed 1,200 words and has a headline.
Find below UCJ's article.
Find below THEQC's webinar series announcement.
Find below SINAES's webinar announcement.
Find below THEQC's webinar series announcement.
Find below FIBAA's workshop announcement.
Find below CWU's call for scholarships.
The Quality Assurance Authority is inviting applications from qualified candid
The Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic foresight in Hig
Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) is pleased to welcome you at