Find below information on EASPA/ASIIN's web conference. This note was issued by them. INQAAHE hopes you find this information useful.
E Pluribus Unum - How to Finalize the Harmonization of the European Higher Education Area
Dear Colleagues from the INQAAHE Community,
After many discussions with the members of the European Alliance for Professional Accreditation, the EQAR, The Tuning Association etc. and after contacting stakeholders like ENQA/INQAAHE, the preparation for the international ASIIN/EASPA conference have now been finalized.
Given the political importance of the event for our common cause of promoting Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the European Higher Education and Beyond and taken into consideration the participation of multiple stakeholder groups, the title of my introductory presentation is as follows:
“ E Pluribus Unum – How to finalize the Harmonization of European Higher Education Area: Propositions for radically new departures and stacking the parcels together anew”
At the core of my input/proposals will be:
- A new model for combining the ESG and the field specific Learning Outcomes in our ownership for a lean and efficient approach addressing all European universities and QA agencies
- A proposal for a new European model for combining/harmonizing agency reviews for membership in our networks and EQAR/ENQA, following discussions with the Secretary General of EQAR
- The potential Creation of a European Academy for Good Teaching Backed by the certified Input of EASPA members and others
- And generally speaking: the presentation of the goals and agenda of EASPA and its members, opening the door for new cooperation models with the field of politics, other agencies and the university sector. The corresponding link for access to this event is:
After a quick registration, you will automatically receive the corresponding meeting link for the meeting next Thursday starting at 10 a.m. Central European time.
I hope that this event finds your interest, it is an important day for EASPA, the cause of field-specific QA and the architecture of European Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which might extend to other regions too.
I am looking to seeing you next week
Iring Wasser