
  • Access to HE challenged: how applicants and existing students fare with online education? At risk students: who are they and what is the potential support?
  • The new governance model in the times of pandemic and online provision; 
    • Policy changes: fast-tracking and the potential impact given the lack of appropriate data for informative decision making;
    • Implications of COVID on financial management.
  • The new expectations from the QA: flexibility, adaptation of QA criteria to online education, new assessment methods.

INQAAHE members are invited to join this webinar, as well as Higher Education Institutions, Quality Assurance bodies and individual experts.

You can access the recording of the webinar through the official platform (Password: 9F=29s52).

Webinar 2: Access to, success and challenges in higher education amid COVID-19 and beyond: the role of national/university governance and QA in mitigating the risks
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 8:00AM ET (Washington, DC)
Duration: 1 hour



Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan

President of INQAAHE
Introduction to the Webinar and Speakers




Jamil Salmi 

Global Tertiary Education Expert
Learning from the Past, Coping with the Present, Readying for the Future




Prof. Paul Gaston

Trustees Professor Emeritus, Kent State University, Consultant to Lumina Foundation Distinguished Fellow, ACC&U
Unlocking the Nation's World's Potential



Niamh O'Reilly

Chair of the Irish COVID-19 Tertiary Education Task Group on Mitigating Educational Disadvantage
Mitigating Educational Disadvantage during COVID-19. Taking a Tertiary Education Wide Collaborative Approach. A Case Study of the Irish Context


Certificates of participation will not be offered. 
Special thanks to Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) for hosting the session.

Date event: 
Wednesday, July 8, 2020