The International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) would like to invite you to submit a proposal to facilitate one of the four Major Sessions at our 13th Biennial Forum in Mexico City, entitled Sustainable Quality Assurance: Optimizing Synergies between Artificial and Human Intelligence, and proudly hosted by the Mexican Federation of Private Institutions of Higher Education (FIMPES).
The proposal should provide an outline of the sub-theme, the content of the session, presenter profiles and the methodology for engaging with the members. Preference will be given to proposals that align most closely to the themes and offer innovative approaches, new methodologies and a genuine opportunity for participants to develop their knowledge and skills. As the Forum is an opportunity for discussion, the development of ideas, and the sharing of practices, the sessions should be interactive with a high level of participant engagement. Presenters and facilitators are encouraged to be creative and innovative in their ideas.
The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2021.
Information on the theme and sub-themes of INQAAHE Forum 2022 is available on the official call. Please, pay attention to the requirements for submission. For further information and questions, please contact the INQAAHE Secretariat and/or FIMPES at and