The INQAAHE 15th Biennial Conference was held in Sri Lanka from 25th to 28th March 2019, proudly hosted by the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka, with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka. The theme of the Conference was Quality Assurance, Qualifications and Recognition: Fostering Trust in a Globalized World. The Conference website is still available.
Presentations are available below.
- Workshop 1. National Quality Assurance Framework: establishment and operationalization
- Workshop 2. INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice: building internal quality culture for EQAAs
- Workshop 3. Qualifications and recognition: quality assurance as a tool to promote recognition of HE outcomes
- Workshop 4. Trusting Technology: Strategies for Assessing Quality, Reliability and Integrity in Online Teaching and Learning
Plenary Session 1
sub-theme 1 papers:
- Quality Assurance in Graduate Health and Medical (GHM) Training Initiative in Programs Supervised by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS)
- The new student management system and quality assurance at Pacific Adventist University: trials and triumphs
sub-theme 2 papers:
- Recognition of Bahrain’s National Qualifications Framework in the Wider World
- Is convergence practices in Higher Education Quality Assurance possible in a culturally divergent world?
sub-theme 3 papers:
- Adopt, Adapt and Apply a US-Based Research-Supported Quality Assurance Process to Promote Trust and Improve Quality for Online and Blended Learning
- Inclusion of International Reviewers in Institutional Reviews to Promote Trust in External Quality Assurance
Plenary Session 2
sub-theme 1 papers:
- Framework for quality assurance of e-assessment
- Quality assurance of online higher education in Australia
- Accreditation for Online Learning Programme
sub-theme 2 papers:
- The Roles of National Quality Assurance Agencies on Development of Qualification Framework in Asia and the Impacts on Student Mobility – A Lesson Learned by Taiwan
- Developing Partnerships and Working together with Employers and Student Alumni for University Quality Assurance
- Study on the Attention Level of Sri Lankan Undergraduates during a 1-Hour Lecture
sub-theme 3 papers:
- Developing Talent: The means to build credibility and promote trust
- Implementing Quality Assurance in Universities/HEIs by Ensuring and Promoting Stakeholders’ Trust
- Building a culture of trust in external quality assurance of higher education in Oman
Plenary Session 3
Ensuring and promoting trust in a globalized context
sub-theme 1 papers:
- A Data-driven Approach to Discovering Quality in Innovation in Higher Education: Exploring the Opportunity for External Quality Assurance
- Benchmark Driven, Data Based Assessment: A Case Study of Innovations in Accreditation Framework by NAAC
- Peer reviewers as stakeholders of the external quality assurance system in Ethiopia
sub-theme 3 papers:
- Quantitative Manifesto of Institutional Accreditation: The Building Blocks of Trust
- Trust in quality management: from compliance to enhancement
- Promoting Trust through Student Engagement in the Process of Quality Assurance: the case of Taiwan
- From the Comparative Study of Taiwan and Japan to Examine Stakeholder Engagement: The HEEACT Experience
- Learning outcomes: building the trust for higher education among students
- Responsive Quality Assurance: Meeting the needs of diverse policy contexts within a single system
Plenary Session 4
sub-theme 1 papers:
- Opportunities and Challenges for Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices Introduced through QA process of the Higher Education (HE) System in Sri Lanka: The students’ perspective
- Quality assurance of elearning in line with the ESG – what key considerations for student-centered learning?
- Combined academic and work-based learning: Dual learning assessment in the Basque University System
sub-theme 3 papers:
- Quality assurance of joint programmes – a global challenge and possible responses
- Dynamics of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in India: Issues and Concern
- Australia’s Higher-Education Sector: Quality, Conflict and Outcomes
- Revisit to the role of Professional Bodies to enhance Life-Long Learning universities
sub-theme 4 papers:
- Developing an Integrated Information Service for International Qualification Evaluation in Japan
- Collaborative Cross-border Joint Quality Assurance: Good Practices and Challenge
- Quality Assurance Works hand-in-hand with Qualifications Framework to Promote Recognition
- Quality Assurance Practices in a Very Competitive Higher Education Arena: Experiences and Opportunities for Ndejje University